Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Killer Klowns "review"

level 3 games design unit 78

Killer from outer space Klowns

Image result for killer klownsCharacters:

random teens = Mike and Debby 
angry cop
old hermit
alien clowns
normal cop who is a friend = Dave
2 guys who are messing around in ice cream van


Image result for killer klownsSome cop is doing rounds and a really sketchy ice cream van drives around with a budge of teenagers chilling. Teens laugh at random guys, random teen is friends with ice cream weirdos. Wind blows and meteor fell throw the sky and some old guy and teens see it. Old man is overexcited and runs out house looking for meteor. Circus in the middle of no ware, old hermit finds it. Old man is suspicious and dog is kidnapped and eaten by clowns. Old man is zapped by a laser from one of the clowns, Police man from earlier is angry at other random teens and is clearly angry and a police man defends other random teens. Teens find circus but are scared of it but like idiots they approach it. Teens don't even bloody suspect anything and are having fun. Mike pushes random buttons and get sucked into a lift taken down with poor acting. Teens find a orb that shoots lightning. The circus is the shooting star and the teens go to another floor. Mike is a dumb ass and Debby is worried. The clowns store dead bodies in large pink cotton candy bags and mike rips one to find the dead old man. Clown comes down and chases the teens. Clowns are clueless and make balloon dogs to hunt down teens. Teens run over clown and one clown falls of the car. The clowns survive and Debby has some random friend near and clown follows trail. Teens go to police station and the other random cop is their friend. Teens tell cops/friend and angry cop just laughs. Angry cop suspects the other teens and Dave goes with the teens to see what it is all about. Random idiot watches puppet show in the MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT with suspecting a thing. Random idiot laughs and clowns are the ones doing the show. Random idiot dies. Drug store owner gets angry at clown and clown destroys shop. Random people get tricked by clowns and are killed. They kiss. Mike goes with Dave and the clowns are still destroying the shop. Dave and Mike find the sight but circus is gone and Dave full rages and arrests him. Clown is bullied by random losers who destroy his bike, clown cries and fights leader of losers i um mean "thugs". Clown punches that idiots head off, the clown is now being a creep trying to lure kids outside. The clown holds a mallet and follows him out and kid is stopped and clown aiant happy. Cop looks around and finds car covered in purple crap and finds glasses. Dave lets Mike go and tells him about the crap. The angry cop now hears about clowns again and another call from clowns. Clowns want to buy a lot of stuff and drug store owner. The angry cop thinks that it is one big prank. random guy gets killed. *. Debby showers and clowns clown around for a bit and random man is killed. Dave apologises to Mike about what happened earlier. People watch and laugh not knowing what is going on. Mike and Dave find a clown. Clown eats people with t rex and they try to run over the clown but fail. Angry cop thinks they are lying. The ice cream guys pick up Mike. Ice cream guys fight. Clown comes in and angry cop laughs and think that the prank went to far. He wants to arrest the clown and the clown sprays him with water and he threats him. Angry cop arrests clown and clown is looked in. Clown thrown in jail and scares angry cop. Angry cop is killed by clowns? and clown runs off. Dave finds police station ruined and opens jail door. Dave finds the bodies of two people and finds angry cop as puppet. Angry cop is then killed and clown stands up. Dave shoots off clowns nose and he dies. Dave gets radio help from nearby police station and they send police to help. The idiots in the ice cream truck. The clowns throw a parade. Some guy dies. Debby is bitten by clown head things. She gets out of her shower and runs but clowns capture her and don't kill her. The ice cream idiots find her and they try to help her. They chase the car and the cop car chases the the ice cream truck. They stopped and the clowns get away. They still try to find the clowns and some random cop dies. The clowns kill the cop with pies. The ice cream guys arrive and look around for the clowns. The ice cream brothers fool around. One of the brothers presses the button causing smoke to file out the ground. The brothers fall into a pit of balls and laugh. The clowns are with the ice cream brothers. A clown finds them but does not notice them. Clown drinks one of the dead guys blood and Mike freaks out but agrees to find Debby. They free Debby, but the shot was loud and the clowns are ready to attack them. Dave kills a clown and they all pile into a lift to try and find the humans, The humans run from the clowns and this happens for a while. The humans get attacked by more clowns after getting rid of there gun but he does have a pistol but no sorry can't use that. The brothers are save the day in a cringe inducing ending. The clowns know they got tricked and the "leader" of the clowns comes down to challenge them. The ice cream brothers got Micheal bayed. Some noble sacrifice from Dave to make the ending more dramatic and so the others can get away. Dave is attacked by the boss clown and for no reason at the end the clowns fly off just as a giant felt of cops arrive. Dave kills the boss clown bu throwing a badge in his nose and Dave walks out of a car fine after surviving same with the ice cream brothers. Pie fly's out them and the look at the air with "will they ever come back" as the movie cuts to credits.

The story is complete shambles as they never explain anything that is going on but they don't leave a good mystery or even some decent unanswered questions because you don't want to know or care. The clowns did things that made no sense and all of the characters have bad acting and don't do the already messy plot justice. The movie has characters survive impossible events which really are not even good nor funny. This movies story was lose and very stereotypical because Debby gets captured by some Clowns. The story is a cluster and does not work well in any way.

Image result for killer klowns

Monday, 26 September 2016


Unit 78 Level 3 games design
P1 Understand Theory + Application 


Image resolution:
Image result for image resolution
(1)Basically the main premise is that the amount of pixels dictates the quality of the the photo/image. The higher the resolution means that there are more pixels and because of this the image can be shaped more. The resolution can be made better even better looking by changing the colours with blue,green and red.      

Picture resolution:

Image result for picture resolution(2)A picture resolution is essentially the same as image resolution but picture image is a real physical copy of a photo. The way to enhance the images is to use a better camera with more pixels and to use and better printer which helps gives it the fine look.

Image result for pixel texture
(3)Intensity is the different colours of images that range from 0-255 which give it a different look. 0 is black and 255 is white and everything Gray is in between. This is only for 8 bit games and if you where to do a 64 bit game it would be 100's of 1000's different colours. Even today 8 bit games are enhanced and are not used . There are over 16 million and a half shades on Photoshop, this is not needed for 8 bit games but for 64 bit games.

Image result for 8 bit game today
Image result for 8 bit game




Tuesday, 20 September 2016

top ten games

unit 74 level 3 games design

1.Elder scrolls 3,4,5

Story: the story is rich in lore and has some of the deepest video game lore of any game series ever made. 

The amount of lore and story behind each and every single thing you do is immense and with three great games out to play with a massive community and lots do to. These games are open world with many main side quest such as:

Dark bothered hood in all three games     
A main story each game has a different 
Fighters guilds and many more

Image result for elder scrolls anthology

2.Garry's mod

Story: there is no story

Garry's mod has no story but that makes it a unique because you can make and think up your own story. This game is for everyone as you can download mods to add a story. Garry's mod is not a story game but it can have a story if the player can come up with one.

Image result for garrys mod

3.Super meat boy

Story: The story is louse but it does exist.

Super meat boy is another game that really depends on the game play but the story does add a comedic touch to a very difficult game. The story is about a skinless boy made of meat who wants to save his girlfriend from the evil Dr fetus. The game play makes the game what it is the main point of the game.    

Image result for Super Meat Boy

4.The walking dead season 1 and 2

Story: The walking dead game is the most story based you can get. Without the story there would be no game

The game is about a man who survived a car crash and meets a little girl who needs help to survive. He will protect her at all costs and in a nut shell he try's to keep the survivors alive and together. Season 2 is when you take control of the Clementine and she does almost the same as lee. She try's survive and meet good people so she can live safely. The game does a phenomenal job at getting emotions across which makes it one of the best story games ever made.

Image result for the walking dead season 1 and 2 game

5.Doom 2016

Story: simple and very easy to follow but this game does relies on game play over story

Doom is a fantastic original shooter with new concepts that other gamers can enjoy and understand. The game is very simple and can be enjoyed on all levels. The story is about "doom guy" who's only goal is to kill all demons, he meets 2 survivors of the mars disaster on the way in which one of them wants to help the demons the other wants to help doom guy kill the demons. The story quickly progresses and you learn about the characters back stories though small dialogues      

Image result for doom 2016

6.Binding of Isaac

Story: there is a weird story but it is loosely there but again it is about game play more than story  

There is not much of a story but there is some amazing game play and great fun. Very similar to "risk of rain" it relies on game play and not the story but there are different endings each unique and very entertaining.

7.Shadow of mordor

Story: heavy story with fans of the lord of the rings already knowing about the lore will like it more. The story is rich and important with some very immersive story line

Image result for shadow of mordor
Shadow of mordor is a game in which you have to save the land of mordor from the orcs as the black hand of Saraman is making the stronger. You play as a hero who is trying to save the land and also helping RATBAG!!! who is an orc but considered weak because he is physically small but witty and smart. This is not what an orc should be, there is more to the story but there is so much lore that it would take forever to explain.  

8.Risk of rain

Story: There is a lose story where you need to escape from a mysterious planet, there is not much to see

Risk of rain does not have much in the way of story but there is a lose story which does matter to the game. Risk of rain is an indie game that is mainly about game play over anything else. There really is not much to say about it as you have to play it to get the feel of the game and how it works.  

Image result for risk of rain

9. Dishonoured

Story: Without the story this game would not be the same.

Dishonoured is one of the best stealth games ever made. The game is set in victora Britain and you play as corvo. It tells the story of a guard how was accused of murdering the empress and the player must escape a prison and save the city from the corrupt high overseer while also avoiding the plagued peasants or "weepers". The game is story rich and would not be the same without its story.    

10.Far Cry 3

Image result for far cry 3Story: Very immersive story line

Far cry 3's story is very good which helps the game be really immersive and overall make the experience better. You play as Jason and you have to save your friends from the crazy and evil Vaas, on the way you meet other people and help islanders from attacks which coherently help the player.     

Monday, 19 September 2016

Types of gaming

Unit 20
level 3 games design year 1

Computer games and machines

There are many different ways to game and each of them are unique and have advantages and disadvantages which altar the gaming experience.

Image result for arcade machines
Arcade machines are old and have a deep rich history. They where made in 1971 and they where the first video games ever to be realised and they are very simple. The machines are essentially large machines that have buttons for each different move. These machines are very expensive now and are rare to come across due to their old age. The take up lots of room and some stand at 6 foot tall. The advantages are slim but some old gamers would enjoy and they look really cool and are an important to the gaming history. 


Image result for mobile device
Mobile devices are another type of gaming that is commonly for more platforming games etc. Triple a titles are not on phones because they are not powerful enough to play the game. The games on mobile are weaker and have a smaller screen. The good thing about mobile is you can play any where for 10 minute or 1 hour to kill some time. The are very portable and can be very fun and they also have many other uses such as text and internet.



PlayStation and Xbox are the main consoles out today and are by far the most popular. The gaming experience is a lot different to mobile and arcade which are more for older/causal gamers. The consoles don't need upgrading and it is a one time purchase. The games look better and are more complex then mobile and other arcade games. There are many advantages and some disadvantages to consoles, first they are small and are very powerful. They are coop and are long lasting machines. The disadvantage is that the storage space is low and you have to connect it to a TV. The appeal more to the casual gamers.    


Image result for pc
PC is my preferred choice to play games on and the most popular within the gaming community.  PC is the most advanced and intense gaming rig and is used by all people even people who don't play games. PC can be customised and has infinite possibility's. Th only down side is that it is expensive and very difficult to decide what you want. It also requires a monitor and upgrading to continue to run the latest games at 60 fps ultra. The appeal more to the hardcore gamers.      

Final summary

The final summary is different for each person:

Arcade is only for people whop have a lot of money
console is for casual gamers
pc is for hardcore gamers
mobile is for killing time at a random moment

Digital Graphics for Computer Games

Level 3 games design p1

unit 78 digital graphics for computer games

Digital Graphics for Computer Games 

Concept art

Image result for concept art bioshockImage result for concept art games designImage result for concept art games design
Concept art is a type of art used to throw  ideas on the table and to give ideas on characters, places etc. Concept art is used very early on in a games life and is only a concept which means somethings will be scrapped while others will develop into something very iconic and memorable. The art is often hand draw on draw in Photoshop/on a tablet and looks very different to the final result.

Pixel Art

Image result for super sanctum tdImage result for pixel art pokemon

Pixel art is used in gamers for a specific type of games. They are used in games for smaller indie titles and are not used for triple a titles. 3D pixel art can be used for very unique games such as fez and minecraft. These arts are special and unique to games design.

Texture Art

Image result for texture art games designImage result for texture art games design

Texture art is when the entire canvas is taken up by the image and therefore the image can be used as a wall, floor etc because is does not have a border. They can be small or large and can be painted over a canvas many times on a wall and it would be difficult to detect. The developers also save time and effort by used the same image if it is a wall because not many players will stare at a wall seeking for flaws.

Background Art

Image result for background texture gamesThe background is a image that adds atmosphere to the game and makes it is an essential to any game because it would be a black background other wise which is not what you want your game to look like. This is one of the first things in games design.


Image result for hud gamesHUDs are used to show you health, magic etc. They are essential to the player so they can know what health or magic they have. They are basic or can be complex and can look very ascetically pleasing. 

Print  Media

Image result for bioshock infinite box artImage result for box artImage result for box art

Print media is used to show the player what they are going to buy and a sneak into the game. The box art is important because the advertisement and art is what makes people buy the game. The screen shots are because  it shows the player all about the game and can be the selling point to some games.

Types of Digital Graphics

Aperture Science Vector Logo by aornish(1)Image result for raster logo(2)

Raster images change quality after you zoom in far enough. You can see the pixels on the image and they are used for static images. Vector images stay the same quality regardless of how much you zoom in. Vector are used more for logos because you can use the same image in advertisement or boxes because the can be resize but if the image was to always be the same size it would be wiser to use raster. The reason you would use raster is because you want things to look burly from far away in games and it looks more realistic. Vector are harder to do but look sharper and are better for up close images. Each image is used in games design and in real life but must be used correctly to look right. Mobile games would need vector images because raster images would look blurred and would be harder to see and on a mobile you need high quality.   

bmp,gif,tiff,jpg are the file types used in raster images 
psd,wmf,fla,al, are the file types used in vector images (2) (1)