Wednesday, 5 October 2016

File types

Level 3 games design unit 78 detail graphics for computer games

File extension

Image result for tif fileFile extensions are used to make the image a certain size and are all used for different things. A jpeg file is bigger than a Tif file because a Tif file compresses the file down into the most efficient file possible but a jpeg file is bigger but takes little time to make. Tif stands for tagged image format and the image compressed by Tif loses NO quality making it very useful for mobile games. The file size is bigger for a jpeg but it is quick to compress as a Tif file takes a lot longer and if you are making lots of Tif files then you are going to be idling for awhile. I used this image because it shows the logo for the Tif image which less people have heard of making it.  


Image result for compression fileCompression is used in a lot of ways, the basic premise of a compression would be to condense something as small as possible without losing the original quality of the image. Compression is not only used in file extensions but is used for things such as compressing metal. A compressed file would be a zipped up file but it would lose some of the original contents.

Image Capture

Image result for image captureImage capture is done in many different ways, it can be done in many different ways. The first way is simply taking a photo of something, this is the simplest way of doing image capture and anyone can do it. The others ways of doing image capture are: 

Video recording/screen shot
Scanning on a printer 

Image capture is important because you need it for ideas and it helps the developers. The reason I used this image is because it shows a common method of image capture and that it is recording and the person is previewing it to make sure the file has not become corrupt.  


Image result for batman arkham knightOptimising is to make something as efficient as possible, so that weaker machines can still run your game/program without hurting the original content. Optimising is very important because it does not matter how basic or good your program if it is poorly optimised no one will play/use it because they do not want to have their machine fuse. I used this image because this is a prime example of how NOT to optimise your games, the game which had and original recommended gpu of a 660, a person with two titan z's was unable to run it (5)  

Storage of image assets

Image result for storage of image assets
Storage of image assets is where you store  images for your games, for example you would put all of your "background" images in a "background folder". It is for easy access to images if they need changing or replacing, it would be easy if all backgrounds where in one folder but if all images where is one folder and they where all called "untitled *number*" then it would be very difficult to find the image and change it. I choose these images because the first image is very neat and is what you should be doing and the second image is what NOT to do. Another thing is that the hard drive space needs to be enough and that if you are making a 64 bit game you need lots of space.  


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